Working on Knowledge and Equity Project

In our efforts to support healing-centered environments that acknowledge the harmful trauma that students and their families face due to systemic racism, VOYCE, in partnership with Communities United, developed and launched its Working on Knowledge and Equity Project in 2018.

The Working on Knowledge and Equity Project seeks to build restorative and positive school climates through healing-centered approaches to teaching and learning, with a strong focus on students’ lived experiences and leadership. This approach blends social-emotional learning grounded in positive youth development, restorative practices, and relevant and engaging learning opportunities that tie to pressing issues in the community and builds a community of support for teachers.

The Working on Knowledge and Equity Project’s approach to the creation of healing- centered schools is through the triangulation of students’ lived experience; the weaving of knowledge between the community, teacher allies, and the students; and the process of taking action. Over the past 2.5 years, the Working on Knowledge and Equity Project has engaged over 800 CPS students and 20 educators from 5 schools.

Upon the completion of the Fall 2020 Working on Knowledge and Equity Project which was held virtually, students reflected on the importance of using their voice/finding their voice, increased feelings of connection to their community, and seeing connections between what they are learning in the classroom to what they are learning in their communities.

Through the Working on Knowledge and Equity project, we have partnered with New York University Metro Center to develop a survey to assess the impact on students across six social emotional learning (SEL) capacities. Initial assessments have shown that the vast majority of students who have been part of the Working on Knowledge and Equity project have made gains on all SEL capacities that include academic self efficacy, contribution, social skills, positive identity, social capital, and goal orientation.

VOYCE has also been working in partnership with researcher Camille Farrington of the University of Chicago Consortium of Chicago School Research to document the impact of the Working on Knowledge and Equity Project on how school districts can implement healing-centered approaches in their instructional practice. This is part of a national study being conducted by the University of Chicago and the National Equity Project.

For more information about the Working on Knowledge and Equity Project or to get involved, please contact Meyiya Coleman, VOYCE Coordinator, at or at  773-952-9749.